Workshop: Beyond business as usual: Collaboration for SDG impact reporting

With so much being done by civil society, business, academia and other organisations in Austarlia to start contributing to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a key question is how can we best tell our stories of SDG impact, both individually and collectively.

We invite you to join the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA), and SDSN Australia/Pacific for at the 6th RDI Conference for an exciting and stimulating cross-sectoral workshop to compare notes, learn from each other and brainstorm new ideas on how to do this.


About the workshop

Date & Time: 11.00 am – 12.30 pm, Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Session: Parallel Session 3 (W3.1)
Venue: The University of Sydney

RDI Conference registration


As the Australian Government considers when and how they will report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the international community through the High-Level Political Forum, sector leaders across civil society, academia and business are also considering how to tell their stories of SDGs impact.

This workshop will provide a unique opportunity to hear from early moves on a variety of approaches, tools, actions and commitments they are using to consider their work against the SDGs, and to explore the potential for telling impact stories on complex problems at the individual organisational level and across multi-stakeholder collaborations.

The workshop will provide space to reflect on the lessons to date for each sector and to explore the potential of cross-sector reporting as a way to go beyond business as usual in complementing, extending and contributing to Australia’s official government SDG reports.

This workshop – organised by the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), Global Compact Network Australia (GCNA), and SDSN Australia/Pacific – leverages off the collaborative leadership of these organisations and the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), as peak bodies and networks representing international development and domestic civil society, the private sector, and the academic community. In partnership with the Research for Development Impact (RDI) Network, the outcomes of this workshop will be used to inform ongoing discussions about collaboration for SDGs impact reporting.



About the RDI Conference

The 6th Research for Development Impact (RDI) Conference – Partnering for Impact on Sustainable Development: collaboration, coordination and solidarity – will be held on 13-14 June 2017 in at the University of Sydney.

This Conference offers international development practitioners, academics, students, consultants and private sector representatives a unique opportunity to explore and develop opportunities for cross-sector collaboration and partnership.

It is open to anyone who has an interest in contributing to seeing development policy agendas informed by quality research effectively translated into practice for sustainable development.

The keynote address will be delivered by Helen Clark, in one of her first public addresses since recently stepping down from her role as UNDP Administrator.

The theme for 2017 builds on the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and will combine data, innovation, and expertise in analysing development impact.

