The Role of Universities in Implementation of the SDGs in Afghanistan


On August 29, SDSN Member Kateb University organized a successful conference on The Role of Universities in Implementation of the SDGs in Afghanistan. The event sought to highlight challenges and potential solutions for achieving the SDGs in Afghanistan, focusing specifically on the role universities play in SDG implementation. SDSN Australia, New Zealand & Pacific was pleased to be a partner on the conference.

Conference Report now available!

The one-day conference took place in Kabul, Afghanistan, with high-level participation from the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, UNDP, and others. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of SDSN, spoke about the current context of SDG implementation in Afghanistan and highlight its challenges and opportunities for the country.

Dr Tahl Kestin, from SDSN AusNZPac and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute, was pleased to be speaking at the conference (via video) on the general role universities have in addressing the SDGs, with a focus on teaching and research for the SDGs.

The role of universities in the SDGs is key focus area of SDSN AusNZPac, so it’s fantastic to see this important topic being discussed in Afghanistan.

An article on the conference can be found here:

