SDG Universities Guide - One year on
SDSN Australia, New Zealand & Pacific is proud to be celebrating one year since the launch of the ‘Getting Started with the SDGs in Universities: A Guide for Universities, Higher Education Institutions, and the Academic Sector‘ on 21 August, 2017.
We produced the Guide in collaboration with the Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) and the global SDSN Secretariat to help universities align their activities with the SDGs and accelerate their actions.
Since the launch, the Guide has been widely distributed, cited and translated, and has inspired institutions around the world to do more to support the SDGs. Here are a few highlights of our achievements with the Guide:
- Chinese Summary (中文). Prepared by Professor Zheng Yi (Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University – TUSDG)
- Japanese translation (日本語). Translated by Professor Mitsunobu R. Kano (Okayama University and Science Council of Japan); Editorial Supervision by SDSN Japan / Professor Norichika Kanie (Keio University and SDSN Japan)
- Spanish translation (español). Translated by: Elena Pérez Lagüela y José Luis de la Cruz (ASYPS); Alexis Velo y Silvia Arias Careaga (Oficina de Acción Solidaria y Cooperación, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Cristina Bernis (Asociación para el Estudio de la Ecología Humana, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); Montserrat Cabré Pairet, Josefina Fernández Martínez y Eva Pelayo Sañudo (Área de Igualdad, Conciliación y Responsabilidad Social, Universidad de Cantabria); Olatz Ukar Arrien y Miguel Ruiz (Área de medio ambiente, Responsabilidad Social, Universidad de Deusto);Javier Agustí; Dorothea Strüber (SDSN) y Marta García Haro (SDSN Spain).
Citations in publications
- El-Jardali et al. (2018), “Changing roles of universities in the era of SDGs: rising up to the global challenge through institutionalising partnerships with governments and communities“, Health Research Policy and Systems, 16:38.
- Opoku & Guthrie (2018), “Education for sustainable development in the built environment“, International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 14:1, 1-3, DOI: 10.1080/15578771.2018.1418614.
- Interacademy Partnership (2017), “Supporting the SDGs: A guide for merit-based academies“.
- Bhowmik et al. (2017) “Policy brief: The role of universities in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals“, CSD-ULAB and ICCCAD. ULAB, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mentions in blog, articles and websites
The Guide is mentioned in over 100 websites, including blogs, articles, presentations and resource compilations. These include:
- Global and region University-related networks, such as the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), UN Academic Impact, International Association of Universities, Aim2Flourish, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (aashe), Asia and South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education Bulletin, and the Coimbra Group.
- Initiatives and activities undertaken by universities and related institutions, such as SDG Conference Bergen, the Cambridge Strategic Research Initiative for the SDGs, the Knowledge Network Institute of Thailand, the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development of SIDS, Maastricht University SDG Project, Kapi’olani Community College Service & Sustainability Learning Program, and the “Sustainable University II” Course at University of Hildesheim.
- Non-university-related websites, such as the Polish Responsible Business Association, the American Public Gardens Association, Low Carbon Living Built Better Knowledge Hub, and Volunteering Australia.
- The Guide is also referenced DFAT and Australia’s Voluntary National Review.We would like to thank everyone who has shared
We would like to thank everyone who has shared, promoted and utilised the Guide to deepen their contribution to the SDGs.
If you have mentioned the Guide in a publication, article or blog, please share it with us at
SDSN AusNZPac looks forward to continuing our efforts to strengthen the university sector’s contribution to the SDGs.