About the network
This ongoing SDSN AusNZPac and Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) joint initiative provides a forum to share and discuss a range of topics and issues relating to SDGs implementation, with the aim of helping members accelerate and scale up action on the SDGs in their own institutions. Read more >
Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities
Towards and AusNZPac Youth SDG Index – A youth-led pilot project to measure youth progress on the SDGs in the region (July 2023)
Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities – A guide to inspire and empower universities, colleges, and tertiary and higher education institutions to provide their learners with the knowledge, skills and mindsets to contribute to solving the world’s sustainable development challenges and achieving the SDGs (September 2020).
Five critical outcomes on the road to recovery – A plan for regional and global recovery from the COVID-19 crisis aimed at reducing inequalities and building a more resilient economic future, prepared jointly by Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand, the Global Compact Network Australia and SDSN AusNZPac. (August 2020)
Revising the Field of Research (FoR) codes to enable more integrative, inter and transdisciplinary science – SDSN AusNZPac submission to the ANZSRC Review (June 2019)
Call for the Australian Government to bring youth to the forefront of SDG implementation – Statement from SDSN Youth (May 2019)
Urging the Australian Government to act on the SDGs – A joint statement with ACFID, ACOSS, GCNA and UNAA (April 2019)
Australian SDGs Summit 2018: Unlocking the opportunities of the SDGs – Summit Outcomes Report (Nov 2018)
Book of abstracts: Symposium on Integration across the SDGs and the role of research (Oct 2018)
SDSN Australia/Pacific submission – Australian Senate Inquiry on the SDGs (March 2018)
The contribution of the Australian University Sector to Australia’s implementation of the SDGs – Statement towards Australia’s Voluntary National Review (March 2018)
Getting started with the SDGs in universities – A guide for universities, higher education institutions, and the academic sector (2017)
National Youth Summit on the SDGs – Summit outcomes report (2016)
Australian SDGs Summit: On the Road to Implementation – Summit outcomes report (2016)
The SDGs in the Asia-Pacific: A shared agenda for action – Forum Summary Report (2016)
The role of knowledge institutions in implementing the SDGs in the Pacific – Workshop report (2016)
The business of sustainable development – Workshop report (2015)
What sustainable development goals should Australia aim for – Workshop report (2014)
Sustainable development goals and targets for Australia: An interim proposal (2014)
What sustainable development goals should Australia aim for – Workshop report (2013)
Global report gives Australia an A for coronavirus response but a D on climate (The Conversation, 2020)
SDG Index a ‘wake-up call’ for Australia (Pro Bono News, 2019)
Australia falls further in rankings on progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals (The Conversation, 2018)
Australia ranks 26th on global sustainability index (Huffington Post, 2017)
Universities must act now on sustainability goals (The Conversation, 2017)
Australia ranks 20th on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (The Conversation, 2016)
Australia can do much better than a rank of 20 on sustainable development goals (The Guardian, 2016)
Explainer: the world’s new sustainable development goals (The Conversation, 2015)
Sustainable Development Goals: a win win for Australia (The Conversation, 2015)
Will 2015 be the year the world agrees how to live sustainably? (The Conversation, 2014)