News + Events
30 October 2022 | SDSN Youth
Asia-Pacific Youth Priorities for COP27
SDSN Youth networks in the Asia-Pacific region have released a statement outlining regional youth priorities for COP27.
27 June 2019 | Global SDSN News, SDG Localisation
A new SDSN report ranks Australia 38th out of 162 countries in terms of sustainable development. Australia ranks well below New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and most other OECD countries with a total score of 73%.10 June 2019 | Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac has made a submission to the Review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), calling for the classification to be updated to better reflect sustainability and sustainable development research.6 May 2019 | SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth Australia, New Zealand & Pacific issues a statement calling on the Australian Government to take action to advance the implementation of the SDGs, and support youth leadership and participation in achieving the goals.30 April 2019 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac and ACTS are pleased to invite their members to the second online discussion forum in the Accelerating SDG Practice series, which will take place on 21 May 2019.9 April 2019 | SDG Localisation
SDSN AusNZPac, with a cross-sector group of organisations, has issued a joint statement urging the Australian Government to undertake several crucial actions to support SDG implementation in Australia.19 March 2019 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac and ACTS members are warmly invited to submit expressions of interest for the first Accelerating SDG Practice online discussion forum, which will take place on 10 April 2019.19 March 2019 | Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac and the Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) are launching a joint series of bimonthly online discussion forums for our member institutions that aim to help them accelerate and scale up action on the SDGs. Members are invited to propose topics for future forums.18 March 2019 | Global SDSN News, Universities & SDGs
Deadline extended to 12 April! Global SDSN is inviting universities and higher education institutions to submit case studies for a new in-depth guide on SDG learning and teaching.5 March 2019 | SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth
On February 14, 2019, the Australian Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade released a report which examined Australia’s implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, following a year-long Inquiry.
25 February 2019 | SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac has been pleased to see many of its recommendations reflected in the report on implementation of the SDGs in Australia from the Australian Senate’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade.
Other activities
•New global report showcases youth leadership on SDG action
SDSN Youth's new Global Solutions Report, the first of its kind, demonstrates the incredible innovation and creativity of young people in achieving the SDGs.Read more
•New courses on cities and human rights from SDSN’s new SDGs Academy
SDSN's global education initiative, SDSNedu, has transformed into the SDG Academy. Starting in September it is offering two new free online course - on human rights and sustainable cities - as well as much more.Read more
•New guide for cities on the SDGs
Getting started with the SDGs in cities is a new report from global SDSN that outlines how cities and local governments can get started with implementing the SDGs and use them to guide on-the-ground planning and development.Read more
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