Network News - September 2015



The SDGs: From development to implementation

With the historic adoSDGs-vectorption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the UN in September, SDSN is turning its focus to supporting their implementation at global, regional, national and local levels. Regionally, we will continue to work to bring stakeholders together to identify the opportunities for using the SDGs, carry out projects to address how the they can be met, and promote education and training.

>> Keep reading for information on events, activities and resources on the SDGs from SDSN Australia/Pacific and its members.



Public event: Why the SDGs matter for Australia

SDG Projections

SDSN Australia/Pacific is pleased to co-present a free public event on the SDGs in Melbourne. Join us to hear why leading thinkers from a range of sectors think the SDGs are important for Australia and the opportunities we have for using them. The event will take place on the evening of Monday 19 October 2015.

>> Go to the event website to find out more and register.



SDSN Youth takes New York by storm

SDSN YouthSeveral representatives from SDSN Youth Australia/Pacific, including Global Coordinator Sam Loni, were in New York last week to organise, speak at, and report from a range of SDSN and UN events. In a highlight, Sam was chosen as one of 193 youth representatives to the opening ceremony of the UN Sustainable Development Summit.

>> Read a full coverage of SDSN Youth activities in New York on Twitter, Facebook or their website.



Network news


> SDSN Australia/Pacific Chair Professor John Thwaites has been appointed as a Co-Chair of SDSN, to represent our region on SDSN’s Executive Committee.

> Welcome to the University of Queensland, which has formally joined SDSN. UQ’s Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining was one of SDSN’s earliest members, and this development will bring on board UQ’s other areas working on sustainable deveopment.



Future Earth Australia consultation

FutureEarthSDSN is on the governing council of Future Earth, an international research platform on sustainability. The Future Earth Australia project is developing a long-term strategic plan for Australian sustainability science, and is seeking input from academia, business and civil society to identify and prioritise the sustainability challenges facing Australia (and the region).

>> Provide your input through the Future Earth Australia Survey.



News from Global SDSN

> SDSNedu, SDSN’s free online education platform, is launching several courses in September, including full courses on The Age of Sustainable DevelopmentPlanetary Boundaries & Human Opportunities, and Climate Change Science & Negotiations, and short courses on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si: On care for our common home.

> SDSN has released the Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project Synthesis Report for 2015. The report provides updated data revealing a deeper emissions reductions potential from the world’s 16 major carbon emitters, including Australia.

>> To keep up with SDSN’s global activities, sign up for the global SDSN newsletter at



Member news

> ClimateWorks Australia has launched its Energy Productivity Index for Companies project in New York on 21 September. The project aims to equip investors with the analysis and tools to effectively engage with companies on the issue of energy productivity.

> Global Ideas’ annual forum Global Health Reimagined will take place on 23-25 October in Melbourne. The forum is a foundational crash-course on cutting-edge global health thinking, presented by leading experts and innovators.

> On 15 September, ACFID co-hosted a Parliamentary Briefing on the SDGs in Canberra, attended by members of parliament, members of diplomatic community, and the NGO sector. See the ACFID website for additional information on their SDGs activities.



Network focus – the SDGs

Get involved:


In the media:

>> Go to our website for a full list of events, activities and resources on the SDGs.


