SDSN AusNZPac Member Forum: Advancing research for the SDGs and societal challenges


Universities and knowledge institutions are increasingly committing to address societal challenges and the SDGs through their research strategies and capabilities, and are looking at how to support and grow such research. In this SDSN AusNZPac member forum, we brought together network members to discuss the challenges, successes, lessons learned, and opportunities for collaboration around the practicalities of advancing research for the SDGs and societal challenges.

The conversation was kicked off with presentations and discussion with two members who are doing innovative work in this area:

  • Moderator – Prof John Thwaites (SDSN AusNZPac Chair)
The Pacific Community Dr Stuart Minchin (Director-General): Applying science, knowledge and innovation for sustainable Pacific development
The University of Wollongong Dr Tamantha Stutchbury (iAccelerate Research Director): Research for change programs at the University of Wollongong


