Jeffrey Sachs: Strategies for deep decarbonisation of the global energy system

Energy lies at the heart of the world’s sustainability challenge. On the one hand, abundant, accessible, low-cost energy is vital for economic prosperity. On the other hand, the world’s pattern of energy use, based on fossil fuels, threatens massive future climate change with devastating potential consequences. The greatest sustainability challenge, therefore, is to meet the energy needs of a growing world economy while moving to a safer pattern of energy use.

In this talk at ANU on 22 May 2014, as part of his SDSN tour of Australia, Jeffrey Sachs discussed strategies for creating a road map on deep decarbonisation to ensure the world can have the energy that it needs for prosperity while reducing CO2 emissions drastically.



This lecture is presented by the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy at Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University, in partnership with Canberra Urban and Regional Futures (CURF). It relates to Australia’s contribution to the SDSN Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project, led by ClimateWorks Australia and ANU.

