Event: Accelerating SDG Practice Forum 3 – Engaging students with the SDGs




Date: Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Time: 1–2:30 pm AEST [other time zones in the region]

To join: Submit an EOI* via this form below by 22 August 2019. The forum is open to staff at SDSN AusNZPac or ACTS member institutions who have been involved in (or have a general role in) organising SDG student engagement activities, as well as to participants in previous forums.


To present: You can submit a proposal to present an SDG student engagement example through the EOI form above. Presentation proposals are due by 16 August.



SDSN AusNZPac and ACTS are pleased to invite their members to the third online discussion forum in the Accelerating SDG Practice series.

One of the key ways universities and Higher Ed Institutions can contribute to the SDGs is by empowering and mobilising their student body towards this agenda. This session aims to share experiences from the sector in the region on how universities can raise awareness, understanding, and action by students on the SDGs, and explore the opportunities, challenges, and emerging best practices. The session will specifically focus on student engagement activities outside the formal curriculum, such as co-curricular activities, extra-curricular activities, campus initiatives, activities with clubs & societies and volunteering activities.

We would like to kick the session off with a few short presentations by the participants on SDG student engagement activities they have undertaken. If you would like to present an example of an engagement activity from your institution, please include this in your EOI.

* The EOI process helps us design the session to maximise participation and ensure the discussion covers participants’ interests and experience. Depending on technological limitations we may also need to cap the number of participants.


About the Accelerating SDG Practice series

Accelerating SDG Practice is a series of joint online discussion forums for members of SDSN AusNZPac and the Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS). These forums are a place for staff at member institutions working on specific aspects of SDG implementation to share their experiences, collaborate on problem solving, and identify learnings to help each other and the sector scale up action on the SDGs.


If you have any questions about the Accelerating SDG Practice forum series, contact Tahl Kestin at SDSN AusNZPac (tahl.kestin@monash.edu) or Rhiannon Boyd at ACTS (r.boyd@acts.asn.au)

