Category: Universities & SDGs
22 September 2020 | Global SDSN News, Universities & SDGs
A new guide from SDSN, developed with the support of SDSN AusNZPac, calls on universities to equip their learners with the knowledge, skills and mindsets to contribute to solving the world's sustainable development challenges.19 September 2020 | Global SDSN News, Past Events, Universities & SDGs
Join us as part of the International Conference on Sustainable Development to hear from universities all over the world on how they are engaging with and implementing the SDGs.19 September 2020 | Global SDSN News, Past Events, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac is a key contributor to this new SDSN report, which was launched on 22 September. The video of the launch event is now available!1 August 2020 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
The video from our 30 July webinar on how leading universities in our region are using the SDGs as a tool for institutional engagement and change is now available!1 June 2020 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
The summary of this member discussion forum is now available.11 March 2020 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
The recording of this webinar showcasing examples of student engagement with the SDGs from our region is now available!18 December 2019 | SDSN Youth, Universities & SDGs
In the second semester of 2019, the SDG Student Hubs continued to make strides in educating, engaging and empowering students at universities to advance the SDGs. Here are a few highlights from the Australia, New Zealand & Pacific region.11 December 2019 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac and ACTS members are invited to join the fourth Accelerating SDG Practice online discussion forum on Tuesday, 11 February 2020.2 September 2019 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
On the margins of the International Conference on Sustainable Development in New York, SDSN AusNZPac and SDSN Canada co-hosted a workshop to discuss a new initiative that aims to bring the best available research evidence on what works to address the SDGs to policy and decision makers.29 August 2019 | Past Events, Universities & SDGs
SDSN Australia, New Zealand & Pacific was pleased to be a partner on Afghanistan's first conference on the role of universities in implementing the SDGs.