Category: SDG Localisation
23 February 2020 | Past Events, SDG Localisation
Our first SDGs in Action seminar on 19 February 2020 in Melbourne looked at how the Local SDGs Program from Deakin and Monash Universities is using the SDGs framework as a tool for building community resilience.27 June 2019 | Global SDSN News, SDG Localisation
A new SDSN report ranks Australia 38th out of 162 countries in terms of sustainable development. Australia ranks well below New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and most other OECD countries with a total score of 73%.9 April 2019 | SDG Localisation
SDSN AusNZPac, with a cross-sector group of organisations, has issued a joint statement urging the Australian Government to undertake several crucial actions to support SDG implementation in Australia.5 March 2019 | SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth
On February 14, 2019, the Australian Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade released a report which examined Australia’s implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, following a year-long Inquiry.
25 February 2019 | SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac and its members and partners actively contributed in a range of ways to the Australian Senate’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into the SDGs.25 February 2019 | SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth, Universities & SDGs
SDSN AusNZPac has been pleased to see many of its recommendations reflected in the report on implementation of the SDGs in Australia from the Australian Senate’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade.22 November 2018 | Past Events, SDG Localisation
In March 2018, SDSN Australia/Pacific co-hosted the second high-level multi-stakeholder forum to advance national implementation of the SDGs in Australia. The Summit Outcomes Report is now available.5 September 2018 | SDG Localisation
"Transforming Australia: SDG Progress Report", which identifies where Australia is performing well and where it is not on track to meet the SDGs, is being launched today. It was prepared in partnership with SDSN AusNZPac.16 August 2018 | Past Events, SDG Localisation
You are invited to join us for the launch of this independent assessment of Australia’s progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, at an event on 5 September in Melbourne.22 June 2018 | SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth, Universities & SDGs
SDSN Australia/Pacific and its Youth Initiative were pleased to support the reporting process of Australia's first Voluntary National Review, released on 15 June 2018.