Category: Global SDSN News
21 June 2017 | Global SDSN News, SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth invites young people and others to help raise awareness of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within their local campuses and communities.21 April 2017 | Global SDSN News
The International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) is SDSN's flagship annual gathering. This year's conference will be held on 18 & 19 September 2017 in New York City. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 May.11 April 2017 | Global SDSN News
SDSN's fifth World Happiness Report 2017 was released on March 20th in celebration of International Day of Happiness. The report ranks 155 countries by their happiness levels and includes an analysis of happiness in the workplace and a deeper look at China and Africa.3 February 2017 | Global SDSN News, SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth's new Global Solutions Report, the first of its kind, demonstrates the incredible innovation and creativity of young people in achieving the SDGs.23 September 2016 | Global SDSN News
SDSN's global education initiative, SDSNedu, has transformed into the SDG Academy. Starting in September it is offering two new free online course - on human rights and sustainable cities - as well as much more.3 August 2016 | Global SDSN News
Getting started with the SDGs in cities is a new report from global SDSN that outlines how cities and local governments can get started with implementing the SDGs and use them to guide on-the-ground planning and development.1 August 2016 | Global SDSN News, SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth would like to hear from all young change-makers with solutions to achieve the SDGs. If you have a ground-breaking project or idea, share it with them and you could be featured around the world in the first #YouthSolutions Report.25 July 2016 | Global SDSN News
A new SDSN report shows where countries stand with regards to the new UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).11 July 2016 | Global SDSN News, Past Events, SDG Localisation
SDSN Australia/Pacific and its members recently had the pleasure of hosting inspirational global urban sustainable development expert and SDSN Co-Chair Aromar Revi. If you missed out on seeing him, you can catch up here on all the videos, reports and media.25 February 2016 | Global SDSN News
Global SDSN is inviting comments on a draft paper presenting a preliminary country-level Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index that uses data available today to measure achievement across the 17 SDGs.