Category: Global SDSN News
20 April 2020 | Global SDSN News, Past Events
On 22 April, experts from SDSN's global network shared how they are building a happier world. You can now catch up on all the recordings.4 July 2019 | Global SDSN News, SDSN Youth, Universities & SDGs
SDSN Youth Australia, New Zealand & Pacific began the rollout of the SDG Students Program, an initiative to engage university students in the SDGs, in early 2019. Here are a few highlights from the first semester of operation.27 June 2019 | Global SDSN News, SDG Localisation
A new SDSN report ranks Australia 38th out of 162 countries in terms of sustainable development. Australia ranks well below New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and most other OECD countries with a total score of 73%.18 March 2019 | Global SDSN News, Universities & SDGs
Deadline extended to 12 April! Global SDSN is inviting universities and higher education institutions to submit case studies for a new in-depth guide on SDG learning and teaching.11 July 2018 | Global SDSN News
The 2018 edition of this report from the global SDSN and Bertelsmann Stiftung assesses whether countries are on track to meet the SDGs, with a special focus on government implementation efforts.3 November 2017 | Global SDSN News
The SDG Academy is launching several new free online courses, from some of the world's best experts, tackling globalisation, climate change action and ecosystem preservation.10 September 2017 | Global SDSN News, SDSN Youth
This new SDSN Youth thematic paper - developed in support of the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 - explores the causal impacts of climate change with the security and development prospects of youth populations, specifically in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa.31 July 2017 | Global SDSN News
This annual report provides a scorecard for how countries are progressing in achieving the SDGs. In 2017, New Zealand ranked 20th, and Australia 26th out of 157 countries.20 July 2017 | Global SDSN News, SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth is calling for passionate and motivated young people in Australia and New Zealand to help empower schools and teachers globally to educate children on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applications close 31 July.21 June 2017 | Global SDSN News
The newest free online course from the SDG Academy explores the options available to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonize the economy, and ensure a safe and prosperous climate future for all.