Category: Decarbonisation Pathways
29 January 2016 | Decarbonisation Pathways, SDSN Youth
SDSN Youth representatives from Australia/Pacific attended COP21 in Paris in December to launch new initiatives and advocate to policy makers the critical role young people have in achieving the Paris Agreement.17 October 2015 | Decarbonisation Pathways, Global SDSN News, Past Events, SDG Localisation
SDSN Indonesia, Southeast Asia and Australia/Pacific were partners in a workshop recently held by ClimateWorks Australia on how to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings across Australia and Indonesia.2 July 2015 | Decarbonisation Pathways
A new website provides an interactive guide to the ground-breaking work done by ClimateWorks and the Australian National University as part of SDSN’s Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project.1 December 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways, Global SDSN News, Past Events, SDG Localisation
SDSN Australia/Pacific has recently joined SDSN Indonesia and SDSN Southeast Asia to host a successful regional summit on sustainable energy and deep decarbonisation in Jakarta.24 September 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways
A new comprehensive report as part of SDSN's Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project shows how Australia can decarbonise its economy and meet its share of the global greenhouse gas emissions reductions while maintaining economic prosperity.5 August 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways
A short video on how SDSN's groundbreaking Deep Decarbonisation Pathways Project will help Australia thrive in a low-carbon world.9 July 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways, Global SDSN News
The report shows how the 15 major emitting countries including Australia can cut their carbon emissions by mid-century in order to prevent dangerous climate change.3 July 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways, Global SDSN News
Add your name to SDSN's global call on world leaders to act on climate change.10 June 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways, Global SDSN News, Past Events
The video from Professor Jeffrey Sachs' public lecture at ANU on 22 May 2014 is now available.2 June 2014 | Decarbonisation Pathways, General Network News, Global SDSN News, Past Events, SDG Localisation, SDSN Youth
The world-renowned economist and leader in sustainable development made a highly successful visit Perth, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney.