Call for abstracts: Universities driving SDG-led transformations
About ICSD 2023
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The call for abstracts for the 11th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) (18-20 September 2023, virtually) is open until 1 May!
The conference brings together people involved in research, policy, practice, and business, including students, to share practical solutions for achieving the SDGs at local and national levels.
Join us our session!
SDSN AusNZPac is excited to be co-hosting a session on universities driving SDG-led transformations. We would love to hear about your examples.
1E. Universities driving SDG-led transformation in their cities and communities
Universities as ‘anchor institutions’ are ideally placed to convene stakeholders across private, public, and plural organizations to tackle the shared adaptive challenges of the SDGs. In addition to efforts such as living labs, new models, ways of working, and enabling structures for education, research, and governance are needed at this mid-point to accelerate and scale efforts to act locally to advance global efforts. This session invites higher education institutions to showcase examples of how they are powering-up to realize fully the transformational potential of collaborating in their cities and wider community. Gathering around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a shared purpose unites these local actors in their concerns about climate change and its inequitable impacts. Reflecting on different local and national contexts, institutional archetypes, and academic mission, the session will draw out actionable, scalable examples that might be adopted more widely to fuel timely delivery of the global goals. Submission of a conference paper is optional.
Check out the other sessions!
The conference is inviting abstracts on many other topics on achieving the SDGs, under the following themes:
- Advancing Quality Education (5 tracks)
- Climate Change (3 tracks)
- Multidisciplinary Approaches to Development (3 tracks)
- Progress Made by the Private Sector in Meeting the SDGs (1 track)
- Social Sciences & Humanities (6 tracks)
- Sustainable Cities (3 tracks)
- The Digital Age (2 tracks)