Call for abstracts: Mission-oriented research programs for the SDGs
With the critical need for research to accelerate SDG implementation, we are excited to convene a session at the upcoming International Sustainable Development Solutions Conference (ICSD) 2024 to discuss how academic institutions (or departments) can successfully implement mission-oriented research programs.
We would love to hear about examples of these programs from around the world. If you have such programs at your institution, please consider submitting an abstract (on encourage the colleagues in charge to do so)!
See session details below.
6A Mission-oriented research to accelerate SDG solutions
Academic research and innovation are critical for developing and implementing solutions to sustainable development challenges and the SDGs. In recent years, the concept of mission-oriented research has been advanced as a way to accelerate and scale-up the impact of research and innovation. Research missions are goal-based and outcome-oriented frameworks for setting research agendas, and for encouraging multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary collaboration. They have been used in a range of contexts, such to frame funding calls or to drive research clusters. In this session we will explore how this approach can be implemented successfully. We invite contributions discussing examples of mission-oriented research programs at the institution-scale (or department-scale), and the successes, challenges, and best-practices of implementing them. Submission of a conference paper is optional for this session.