Call for 2021 case studies: Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities
SDSN is inviting submissions of innovative and inspiring case studies of how higher education institutions around the world are implementing and mainstreaming Education for the SDGs. The selected initiatives will be added to the case study website of the recently released guide, Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities. The deadline for submissions has been extended to 5 May.
In September 2020, SDSN launched Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities: A guide for universities, colleges, and tertiary and higher education institutions, a guide to inspire and empower institutions to provide all their learners with the knowledge, skills and mindsets to contribute to solving the world’s sustainable development challenges and the SDGs. SDSN AusNZPac was one of the key collaborators on this publications.
The guide was accompanied by a website featuring an initial set of inspiring and diverse case studies of how institutions around the world have already been putting Education for the SDGs into practice.
In 2021, SDSN is launching a new call for case studies to help capture the rapidly expanding work of higher education institutions in this area, and the amazing diversity and innovation of approaches. The new set of selected cases will be added to the existing website, and launched during the 2021 International Conference on Sustainable Development.
Case studies can cover one or more of the following areas:
- Curricular initiatives for university students: Cases related to learning & teaching activities integrated in undergraduate, graduate or research degree programs, such as lecture material, assignments, class activities and projects, study trips, etc.
- Co-curricular initiatives for university students: Cases related to learning & teaching activities not included in degree programs, such as student-led or student engagement activities, living labs on or off campus, volunteering programs, summer schools, etc.
- Community at large: Cases that involve external partners, such as university networks, industry partners, or public services; community outreach and engagement activities; living labs outside the campus; etc.
- University staff and processes: Cases related to building capacity and ownership for education for SDGs among faculty members and university staff; and creating internal structures, processes and institutional transformations to support its implementation.
Cases must be submitted, in English, through this form. The deadline for submissions is 5 May.