Australian Senate Inquiry on the SDGs
In 2018 and 2019 the Australian Senate’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade undertook a year-long Inquiry into the relevance of the SDGs to Australia and the mechanisms by which the Australian Government should support their implementation.
As a strong advocate of the importance of the SDGs for Australia and the key role of the university sector in supporting their implementation, SDSN AusNZPac and its members and partners participated actively in the Inquiry process. Below is a collation of our inputs and responses.
Joint statement on the Australian Government and the SDGs (March 2019)
SDSN AusNZPac, together with the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA), the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), and the UN Association of australia (UNAA), issued a joint statement urging the Australian Government to undertake several crucial actions to support SDG implementation in Australia.
Initial SDSN AusNZPac response to the final report (February 2019)
A short statement to accompany the release of the final report.
Public hearings (late 2018)
SDSN Australia, NZ & Pacific was invited to provide evidence at the Melbourne public hearing of the Inquiry on 29 October 2018.
SDSN-related submissions (March 2018)
- SDSN Australia/Pacific (Attach 1, Attach 2, Attach 3)
- SDSN Youth Australia/Pacific (Attach 1)
- Australian Council for International Development (ACFID)
- Centre for Policy Development
- Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (Attach 1)
- Monash University
- University of Melbourne / ANDI
- University of Queensland (Supplement)
- University of Sydney
- WA SDG Network (Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute and Murdoch University Centre for Responsible Citizenship and Sustainability)
- Western Sydney University
- Prof John Thwaites (Chair of SDSN Aus/Pac) (Supplement)